2 ¼ cups flour ½ teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons Table sugar
7 g (about 1 tablespoon) yeast 2 eggs ½ teaspoon vanilla extract zest of ½ lemon ¼ tsp cinnamon ½ cup lukewarm milk ¼ cup butter, softened
Equipment Needed: Rectangular cake mold (33 cm 22 cm)
Set the oven to 205 ° C
a bowl toss together flour, salt, sugar and yeast. In another bowl, beat eggs and add them together with vanilla, lemon peel and cinnamon to the milk. Pour wet ingredients into dry and stir until you get a medium soft dough if you need to add more flour. Add the butter soft hands, knead 10 minutes. or 5min. in the mixer. When the dough is smooth and elastic, it is ready znajże.
a bowl toss together flour, salt, sugar and yeast. In another bowl, beat eggs and add them together with vanilla, lemon peel and cinnamon to the milk. Pour wet ingredients into dry and stir until you get a medium soft dough if you need to add more flour. Add the butter soft hands, knead 10 minutes. or 5min. in the mixer. When the dough is smooth and elastic, it is ready znajże.
leaven cover with a cloth and set to doubling its volume (this should take about 1h - 1h 15min). Or leave in a cool place overnight. Then, mash and place in a form, it may seem that the dough does not stretch, but enough to leave them even for 10 minutes, especially if you grew overnight. When the mold is no longer leave them even for 15-20 minutes, then brush the prepared mixture with eggs, cream and cinnamon.
top layer: 1 egg beaten
with 1 tablespoon of cream and a pinch of cinnamon
1 small or ½ large apple
1 ⅔ cups blackberries
½ lemon, peeled
⅓ cup flour with baking powder ( If you are not ready, here are the ingredients: 6 cups flour, 3 tablespoons baking powder, 1 tablespoon of salt)
2 tablespoons finely chopped almonds
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon ¼ cup
cold butter, cut into cubes
2 łyżki stołowe cukru
2 łyżki stołowe brązowego cukru
2 łyżki stołowe płatków migdałów
with 1 tablespoon of cream and a pinch of cinnamon
1 small or ½ large apple
1 ⅔ cups blackberries
½ lemon, peeled
⅓ cup flour with baking powder ( If you are not ready, here are the ingredients: 6 cups flour, 3 tablespoons baking powder, 1 tablespoon of salt)
2 tablespoons finely chopped almonds
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon ¼ cup
cold butter, cut into cubes
2 łyżki stołowe cukru
2 łyżki stołowe brązowego cukru
2 łyżki stołowe płatków migdałów
Obierz i pokrój jabłko, wrzuć do miski z jeżynami i skórką z cytryny. Odstaw na kilka minut, w tym czasie zrób kruszonkę. Mąkę, mielone migdały i cynamon włóż do jednej miski, pomieszaj i dodaj zimne masło. Czubkami palców połącz je razem, zostawiając grudki. Dodaj cukier i płatki migdałów.
Wsyp owoce na ciasto w formie i posyp kruszonką. Włóż wszystko do pieca na 15min, po tym czasie zmniejsz temperaturę to about 177 ° C and bake for about 20 minutes
Remove cake from oven and allow to sit for about 5 minutes, then you can cut.
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