Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Property Of Flowing Quickly In A Liquid

TV star, or rather the watermelon festival

Because we Eskisehirju foreign students an endangered species, are among Turkish peers well known. At least half of the university without any problems reciting our names and surnames, they were already in possession of details of personal lives, which is in the form tračev actively chase for school hallways. Visibility I have now consolidated with interview Anatolian TV where I am in the company and the leader of the sympathetic nervous interpreter almost an hour musing about Turkey abroad, remote home and study abroad. Although the show itself was very fun and interesting, were the most impressive pre primarily. After I met the 15-member team, conducted sightseeing tour studios, is in the Turkish style maskerka processed my face, after careful vizažističnem delu spominjal na olupljeno lubenico - menda v skladu z mojimi oblačili. Vso svetlečo, lesketajočo in predvsem rožnato so me pospremili v glavni studio, kjer sem ob pogledu na število kamer, številčnost snemalne ekipe in velikost studia začetno ravnodušnost zamenjala z živčnim presedanjem po stolu. Veliko slabše se je držal prevajalec, ki je z intenzivnim tresenjem spominjal na bormašino na dveh nogah. Pa ni trajalo dolgo, ko se je trojica že veselo krohotala ob slovenskih pivskih navadah, voditeljičinemu plesu, mojemu procesu navajanja na novo okolje in okorni turščini. Oddaja bo na sporedu naslednji petek, ogleda pa se ob mimobežnih srečanjih z rožnato look in the mirror a little afraid.


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