Monday, March 7, 2011

Can A Person With Toxoplasmosis Give It To A Cat

Wyczesana PASIKŁONIA mane! Wroclaw

But the power! Well, I can not, no! WROCLAW IN CHARGE! Show at CRK went perfectly, the audience howled with laughter, and pasikoń fangs bared in a corner! Really a great audience! So warn that there will be the last show in Wroclaw, already organizing the next one. I'll do anything, and next time do not run out of chairs and a projection is not delayed:)

Thank you to everyone who bought me a movie on DVD, this is wonderful Thanks for the long time of hard work. Please write more, what do you think about it, skomentujcie my work, it is very important to me! Every opinion counts (for me as the author, and for those who have not yet seen the movie)!


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