I write about it again because the case did not przedawniła. Store Waldemar boards (known musician, co-founder of DAAB) is beautiful in its simplicity, eco-lodge, which Waldek lives with his wife. Sam I am going to build something very similar, although certainly not in this country. Polish law is sick and it is a fact (who deny it?). Urzędasy ordered the demolition of this incredible cottage, because ... no paper! Administrative Waldek wants to throw trash from his home! Board began the fight against senseless building law, which turned into a struggle for freedom and human dignity. I support her throughout her serduchem!
Urzędasy in Poland is a big pile and a pile of strength. We too can make a pile of them. I urge you to familiarize with the topic, spread the petition to your friends include links, urge to act, not to the eternal complaints.
Mr Waldek's not afraid of you!
I invite you to the "untold stories 7"
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