Sunday, May 8, 2011

Grout Sealer Melted Caulk


Flower Pasikoń with the Lion move into a new tour to Poland!
Not all projections are confirmed, not all the deadlines set, so we'll keep the changes and telling an additional space in which to organize a successful show.
So far we move here for sure!

9 V - WORLD - Oksir, hours. 19:00, com, sezon_na_lwy, 319.html

10 V - GDANSK - Caffe cabinet, chair. 19:00

12 V - SUWALKI - Summer Garden Rozmarino, hours. 20:00

13 V ELK - Pub "Smętek 'hours. 20:00

14 V - BIAŁYSTOK - Herkulesy, hours. 22:00

16 V - OLSZTYN-Box fasonu pub yesterday, hours. 20:00 Box-pub-yesterday- fasonu/168069956537792

17 V AUGUSTOW - pizzeria - pub "two worlds", h . 20:00

18 V - WARSAW - pracovní, hours. 21:00 php? Option = com_content & task = view & id = 373 & Itemid = 1

19 V - KRAKOW - the Inner City Cultural Center, Lamelli, hours. 18:00 podstrona.php? Str = 1_1

25 May - Katowice - cult, godz.20: 00
http:// / index. php? Option = com_content & view = category & layout = blog & id = 39 & Itemid = 97

27 V Piotrkow Trybunalski, Pub "Spiral", at 22:00 #! / pages/Klub-Spirala/170653192952664

28 V BOAT - Naisadownia Old Sewing, hours. 19:30

29 V - FAIR - U Bazyla hours. 21:00

invite everyone and anyone it:)

Friday, May 6, 2011

My Eleven Year Old Has An Earache

Unemployed pasikoń

This is a vacation that's planned failed, but fortunately the spontaneity of our love.
After hundreds mejli, phones, hundreds of hours spent on the Internet by organizing exhibitions, film screenings at 16 and travel through the entire country, the daily discover new, interesting people, and everyday events and meetings with various teams in different cities, thousands of stories from all lands, leave it for the unemployed and orderly pasikonia REST! So I planned a rally 25-year old river rafting Parsęta, together with my best friend's oldest and longest arrow.

Rafting was to last several days, but lasted only half an hour, because our indestructible dinghy hit the German branch that pierced him to the structure, changing our plans for forever.

I came to the cottage on the lake, which belongs to Mr Jurek - mother bride friend of my cousin, and there waited for Daisy. During a failed rally Parsęta, bid farewell to Daisy of Wroclaw, moved away from the Spaniards, and finally arrived to Pomerania.

Pasikoń eating sausage (he told there was no doubt about pasikoński vegetarianism:)

We moved in the direction of the Flower Tuchola Forest and landed on the very edge of Kashubia. In the village Brusy met a local sculptor, artist and philosopher Joseph Chełmowskiego, whose garden is really worth a visit. Carved hives full of bees still sleeping, paintings, stained glass, old furniture collections, the whole hut with personality Host ... oh, I do not know what to write ... wonderful passion, decades of work, love and sleeping bees.

Welcome to the sculpted gardens full of hives. I must add that I put only a molecule of that beautiful, that Mr. Bill creates ...

A and Barry Flower was something for everyone:)

Then we got ready for burial mounds and stone circles ... There were a lot of (place of the Oder and Forestry), walked among the cemeteries, it was cold (May blizzards) one of the Ghosts caught on me. Witnessed a hundred times that I had to deal with him. Very energetic place of the old rites, until you wanted to make a bonfire and dance naked around the ...

To make it funny, some are called tumuli and stone circles, "the usual piles of stones."

A stone in the forest near the Oval was .. .

And Good Energy Charged Stokroc all and sundry.

little piechoto-alloy

We lived with him for one night.
find his farm asking for the Gallery, "Eye" in the village Męcikał. Slawek invites all those who want to do something interesting and are looking for a suitable place.
The next day we drove to Chojnice his Trabant.

And the world is beautiful!

and dick:)

Monday, April 25, 2011

¡icarly Subliminal

Lions on vacation or can swim

That's more or less looked like in April, the crazy tour! I disappear for 20 minutes every two weeks with a pontoon on the river and forests, but powrzucam najsampierw some photos from the tour lwiastej - maned.
Why, it was a success and so many souls, that ah! Hostages behind, inspiring lion eyes roznieciły Fire forever, and hitchhiking km between the cities and Joy no end in sight! And every town One, team, crew and audience, thank you thank you, we thank you, dear! As ye pasikonia ugościli, as ye are fed and welcomed him to their homes, let you God for small lwiątkach good reward! Gratitude and Joy danced in the sky!

Pasikoń and Pitek and Daisy and Agata Klodzko after the screening (but damn official signature)

Rzeszow and tireless Pub Builders! This city is NEAT!

cally to develop the route in March, April (a few hours a day before competence, hundreds mejli, phones and new contacts)

the lion got in Rzeszów beetle painter and pognaliśmy together to Kielce and Krakow!

Poznan and zajebiaszcza Seat "In the old movies"

Krakow, Klub artifact, whom I recommend to all observers of everyday life:)
(Helmut! your health!)

event near Rzeszów, Boguchwała, or how you drink HERE IN THE EAST!

From Warsaw to Gdansk, the day after the show, I started Agata, whom I met at the show in the Valley:)

Rafal Majewski put together a movie from the meeting in

Pancake personally met in Gdansk! After the rally we went to the Mazda Szczecin, and the next day to Poznan! It was a beautiful day, Pancake!

And now Lions and grasshoppers rested in the water, and forest and meadow:)
And in May ....:)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

How To Make Outboard Motor Stand


throughout Poland are roaring lions!
06.04. WARSAW, Kino Lab, Open Screen, hours. 20:45 . Php? Id = 3528
07.04. GDANSK, Club of the Santa Fe Burrito "hours. 19:00 s.html
08.04. SZCZECIN, Pub "Pivaria 'hours. 19:30 #! / Group.php? Gid = v = 309080372134 & wall

09.04. POZNAN, Club "In the old movies," hr. 20:00!
12.04. Ostrow Wielkopolski, Club "Fanaberia 'hours. 20:00, What to do-after-the-world-season-on-lions, 67.html
13.04. KONIN Club, "Mustard," hour. 20:00 #! / Musztardaclub? Sk = wall
14.04. LUBLIN, cafe 'Cooperative Cafe ", pm. 20:00 /
15.04. ŻESZUF, Pub "Renovation", hr. 20:00 Remont-Pub/176872759018401

17.04. Kielce, Pub "Tunnel", hr. 20:00

18.04. KRAKOW, Pub "artifact Cafe", pm. 20:00

19.04. WROCLAW, Club "Insomnia", hr. 20:00
http://www.bezsennosc.wroclaw. en / index.php? Go = page & id = 1

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Investors In Adult Films


Friday, March 18, 2011

The Best Of Pinky 42star


Before the Universe Chaos reigned - says one of the theory. And although previously imagine that I could not, so now I can say about chaos are many. (Being in Chaos gives even certain circumstances).

I was to be only a month in Poland. So initially expected. "Assemble the film premiered in jarocińskim will arrange the cinema, I will issue a stop disc and go to a warm country." Time enough to do much, and I started from the end. I've set up the release date of December 28, at the cinema "Echo." So I was about 4 weeks to re- review the materials recorded in South America (many, many hours of material), the choice of the best scenes, the selection of appropriate music, translating the dialogue, the creation of animation, appended narrator, sound editing, making it all together (for the first time in a professional editing program), convert to appropriate formats, to find a sponsor to design and print posters, hung posters, embossing hundred DVDs, design and printing of covers for a hundred boxes, packing it all together and embracing the event in a cinema. Phew.
looking for appropriate music for over a year. From friends of artists by advertising in the net. When in February 2010 I worked as a pollster OBOP-u, I stumbled on another interviewer Damian Czajka. During the break I dropped the phone part of your work, and I knew that this is it. For three weeks before the release he sent me several pieces and dumb. Damian is the author of 70% of the music, "Season on the lions."
Although some parts of the movie has been translated previously, it is important scenes (Potosi Silver Mountain), continue waiting for the translation. And my interpreter was silent (silent translator).
We had to arrange posters. With a great aversion to the crest, which arises from time to time in my shag Dred a variety of shapes and it is time to unravel it. Addressed this old kumpela Magda Kocłajda. And that we rarely, did not know that Magda playing with computer graphics and created a poster. Even before I was in the editorial friend, "Gazeta Jarocin" and took the patronage release (ie that will print posters). At night, put together a movie. Slowly, with passion chmurzaście. Sometimes the night bent over two minutes of the scene. Interpreter further spoke. Simon also took some time and sent to Bolivia his pictures at high resolution (it took over two hours). Charles Mountain conducted an interview with me for Gazeta Jarocin "and immediately borrowed from the recorder to dograć voice to the film narrator. At the same time, about 10 video clips cutted Fri "Untold stories", of which there were already seven on my blog. When I started to send e-mails to companies with a short note about yourself and asking for sponsorship to issue a hundred DVDs, it was not long time (half hour), when the sponsor came forward. We met for coffee and found the details. Guests had the money and was keen.
mount a full fledged, fifteen hours a day. Creating gave me a strong "kick" of positive energy. Although it hurt my back and eyes (sunglasses are in Norway). Everything was happening purely in the spirit of pasikonizmu - was the release date, was a patron of the media, was a sponsor, hung posters, wrote in a newspaper, reported on the Internet, and the film did not exist. The Time I Met the possibility of mounting a new professional program - a shock! A and difficulties, because the English version. Disagreed on the format and the rendering of the project was born to an AVI file about the image of a square instead of rectangular. How to replace the options, render and convert that came out of good quality and not too big? It was the biggest nightmare for installation - so it seemed at that time, but came to worse ... VIRUS! The second computer, the internet, and fell ...! (I worked on two computers - a laptop and desktop). A nasty, malicious virus came blinked an eye, and so nafajdał that the machine no longer wanted to wake up. Wow! A week before the premiere! Larvae infected, would save her designs! There were no backups anywhere! Well, that some time before the last money I bought a large external drive. He came by post the day before the virus. So he starred in the "Lion" and ran to the doctor. And I am talking about Christmas time. Posters hung on the way, and the translator was silent. I slept for less every day until I went down to four hours of sleep on day.
Finally, the translation of scenes from the Potosi mine Simon took up with his girlfriend Bolivian Gabichą Gemio. The text came from Bolivia in time vigil. I used the Internet at the cousin's neighbor. I ran into him at the moment, and finally, seeing the chaos, he was my manager. My family is away for the holidays, I was alone and then assembled. Last scene, the scene with the Devil, edited precisely on the eve and the first holiday! Instead of sitting at the family table, I sat with Tio alone! I found a little bit of extra time to put it an exhibition of my photos from the trip in the cinema hall, "Echo." And when the moment I ran into her cousin to take advantage of the Internet, her son just started walking Stas. I will not mention the financial dilemmas, emotional, with hundreds of phone calls and mejli and the stomach flu, which stiffened me away for a day. Then he was just time to close the whole movie in one small file with good quality and on DVD. I failed ... It was created as true version of the DVD, but with lower quality image. Although the sponsor, and so no longer answer the phone. Latest version of the film was premiered at the time - an hour before the show ...
That's the Chaos reigned just before the start of the universe.