That's more or less looked like in April, the crazy tour! I disappear for 20 minutes every two weeks with a pontoon on the river and forests, but powrzucam najsampierw some photos from the tour lwiastej - maned.
Why, it was a success and so many souls, that ah! Hostages behind, inspiring lion eyes roznieciły Fire forever, and hitchhiking km between the cities and Joy no end in sight! And every town One, team, crew and audience, thank you thank you, we thank you, dear! As ye pasikonia ugościli, as ye are fed and welcomed him to their homes, let you God for small lwiątkach good reward! Gratitude and Joy danced in the sky!
Pasikoń and Pitek and Daisy and Agata Klodzko after the screening (but damn official signature)
Rzeszow and tireless Pub Builders! This city is NEAT!
cally to develop the route in March, April (a few hours a day before competence, hundreds mejli, phones and new contacts)
the lion got in Rzeszów beetle painter and pognaliśmy together to Kielce and Krakow!
Poznan and zajebiaszcza Seat "In the old movies"
Krakow, Klub artifact, whom I recommend to all observers of everyday life:)
(Helmut! your health!)
event near Rzeszów, Boguchwała, or how you drink HERE IN THE EAST!
From Warsaw to Gdansk, the day after the show, I started Agata, whom I met at the show in the Valley:)
Rafal Majewski put together a movie from the meeting in
Pancake personally met in Gdansk! After the rally we went to the Mazda Szczecin, and the next day to Poznan! It was a beautiful day, Pancake!
And now Lions and grasshoppers rested in the water, and forest and meadow:)
And in May ....:)