Final (and published) Zapikova Column cup of Turkish coffee
Boiling water darkens to a light brown, when the bottom of a glass release the contents of small coffee bags. During the passive mixing of the emerging view of redirect drink with ceramic cups at a computer screen. "Last Column," sighs when reflective opens a blank document. When no specific substantive ideas barbed virtual blank white paper with the automatic equipment header columns, her home "coffee cup" mental lightning prints substantive concept. "The story of Turkey is the story of coffee," Think and between sips of baptism sipping your thoughts with fast udrihanjem Mon tipkovici into words in a tangible form.
old humpbacked hands slowly lifted small porcelain plate, which covers a miniature cup. Black eyes, embedded in a framework of strong razpacan ink, take a look at the coffee dried in sludge, spilled the interior of the cup. Silent bolščanje in future detectability barely elicit anxiety, on the other side of the table. A young girl with exciting expectations staring into the eyes, still silently traveling in her fate. Not to raise the face, old prerokovolka mumbles words that you are receiving their young so ardently desire. "Distance and dangerous situations which is pushing for military service, will only strengthen his love, which will be released in full liaison with zakonosko reunion. "tough girl only to retain the joy that filled the prophecy that his ear drum in the opposite direction prijadra low oriental tables. Only a few dark coffee pack and six-month waiting has become a feather-light.
mysterious ambience inside replaced simple traditional Turkish cafes. Under Allah symbol that represents only a modest room decoration, the old man quietly put bend over shabby table. When they approached, the lens of our vision captures the wooden board, weighted with-color chips. Surface iron tables with a passing encounter with two dice drop unpleasant pungent sound. The old man left no visible excitement skillfully moved the chips on the table and while awaiting the nasprotniko move to the mouth, framed by gray brkami, Come near a little china cup of strong black coffee. Only you can guess how many times before, he held the handle of the same coffee cup in the smoky room at the corner of his street and the same lazy Tuesday afternoon rutinirano moving fingers at game tavle. From thinking it awakens and sing well-known combination of Arabic words, through the huge windows priplava inside the cafe. Men adjusted his cap to the practical and technical head and slowly dvigne s stola, sledeč zvokom z minareta. Povsem enako kot že trikrat tisti dan, povsem enako kot že ničkolikokrat poprej.
Uglasbeno pozivanje k molitvi preglasijo bučni basi, ki z zvočnim tokom derejo po osrednji istanbulski ulici Istiklal. Z epicentra v eni od značilnih petnadstropnih barov se prerinejo v številne trgovine s spominki, zaobjamejo eno od mnogih kino dvoran, v kanonu zadonijo z uličnimi glasbeniki pred nizozemsko ambasado in za hip prekinejo pogovore, ki se med srkanjem iz velikega papirnatega kozarca mednarodne verige kavarn odvijajo na s spomladanskim soncem obsijani terasi. Druženje ob novodobni zamenjavi turške kave učinkovito napolni terasno v jedru sodobnega Istanbul. Wicker chairs sit under the sun obledelim headscarf wrapped in girls with huge sunglasses and modern European clothing, seductive patterns. At only a stone's throw away the table is compressed cluster haired boys in almost identical violet srajicah, holding his cigarette case. Behind their backs a bunch of British tourists with cameras and okitenih caps, feverishly skimming through a tourist guide, and patient participate in the enthusiastic waiters biographical-geographical survey. Poskrani people into the river, which winds against Taksimu is facing away from modern facilities and cafes and a bustling street in a normal rhythm zajadramo Istanbul in the morning.
"Kahve istiyor musunuz?," Heard some centimentrov over him. His view thawed by the small bus down tables journals and shipped flat without the words nods in response. Steward in a small plastic jar skillfully poured off the liquid and the narrow passage carefully moved to the rear bus rushing. "Turkish hospitality really knows no borders," he smiles under gentle Holding the heated plastic and redirect their attention back to Zapikovo column, which said the last time, into the places you will have so soon got to know the prvoosebno.