Monday, February 25, 2008

Disable Veriface Ughhhh My New Comp..?

Slovenian gurmanstvo

Although difficult to distinguish from the Turkish cuisine, at the joint dinner occasionally gurmanstva explore other Euro-Asian traditions. On the weekend the Dutch came back to the type of Slovenian kuhhinja. The pot Sat brbotali gnocchi, in glasses, the bonding strap Slovenian wine and borovničke. After a very successful Friday's take-chef role at the Slovenian-Turkish women's evening I Goodies pots also on Saturday. The end result is confirmed that the blood is not water, it was the absence of blood is the only coastal ponujajoči the reason that my gnocchi dumplings Gorenjska transformed into their most unaesthetic kstremu. For the price of friendship , to quote Jago, the dinner only disappeared in the stomachs of guests, some portions of it resting in the refrigerator is still waiting for the next victim.